NSA Grants 2025
Funding Programs
The Association makes grants under two programs:
The innovative Research Program is intended to provide well-established investigators with start-up (venture) funding for innovative, emerging, and important new areas of research in the broad field of pulmonary science and medicine. Established fields of research that are supported by traditional funding agencies are not eligible for consideration.
The NSA Scholars Program funds highly promising new researchers who, at the time of application, are within the first three years of their first faculty appointment as independent investigators, and who have demonstrated considerable potential for success during their research training. They would be involved in research of the type described above. It is anticipated that Scholars may be working with colleagues who share complementary research interests, but the Scholar will be expected to add a distinctly new direction or innovative dimension to the group in an emerging area of importance.
Granting Criteria
Innovative Research Program grants normally provide funding of up to $1 million over five years.
Scholars' Program grants normally provide funding of up to $400 thousand over four years.
It is expected that during the course of an NSA award research grants will be captured from traditional funding agencies, and that the project becomes self-sustaining by the end of the NSA funding period.
NSA Scholarships may be used for salary of the NSA Scholar, research equipment, and research operating expenses. The award may be held concurrently with other salary support awards, but the amount of the NSA award applied to the Scholar’s salary (maximum of $100,000 per year) should be such that the total salary is limited to the appropriate range established by the institution in which the Scholar holds an appointment.
Funding will not be renewed beyond the initial award.
Application Process & Timeline
Applications for NSA grants should include a research proposal of up to five pages and a proposed budget for each year of the grant.
The research proposal should outline the rationale for the project, and should describe its innovative features, importance and timeliness. A detailed review of the literature and detailed research methods and techniques are not required.
An abbreviated curriculum vitae of each of the investigators is required, including current research funding and a listing of full research publications, but not abstracts or speaking engagements..
Applications will normally be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer using the form on the web site. The Board considers applications after internal and external peer reviews. Funding for successful applicants begins shortly after the award is made.
For complete details for NSA 2025 Scholars Program - go here
Apply Here: 2025 Scholars Program
Contact Information
Applications should be sent to NSA electronically, using the form on our web site.
Other enquiries can made to the Secretary-Treasurer:
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jan 2025